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Members of the 2PK Network subscribe to a code of conduct.


This Code of Conduct translates the core values of 2PK into standards of practice. It should enable us all to maintain clarity about our work and the expectations people will have of us. It is based on the Code of Conduct of The Foundation for Community Dance, since 2PK often includes community dance and follows many of the same values.



Values 2PK practitioners share and promote a set of values about people, society, art, creativity, learning and the world we live in. These values are central to 2PK, informing and guiding the development of the discipline, how it is practiced and how it is taught. Central to Parkour is the value of becoming useful. Through learning to move safely, efficiently and fluidly in a range of environments and through overcoming physical obstacles we become better problem solvers and are physically more competent in mitigating risk and reaching others who need support.


Performance-Parkour encourages participants to become useful through the act of performing. 2PK practitioners believe that participating in the learning, making, performing, watching and talking about 2PK is of use to both participants and audiences, and wherever appropriate encourages audiences to become participants.


They believe that 2PK is a non-elitist, inclusive and accessible form that compliments & never competes with a sporting interpretation of Parkour.


We believe that:

  • Everybody has the right to a creative and expressive life,

  • Everybody has the capacity to express themselves and make meaning through movement.

  • 2PK provides a safe, supportive environment in which participants can explore their movement

  • To operate as artists do - with an artist's questions, perspectives, intuitions, feelings and responses; to make sense of and create meaning in the world - is of itself a positive, empowering and humanising activity for people to engage in

  • The experience of living in a community can be changed for the better when the individual is connected physically to the environment in which they live, gaining a sense of ownership and respect for it

  • 2PK can contribute to the personal & social development, and the health & wellbeing of all individuals, strengthening communities & enhanced engagement with social agendas.





2PK practice which embodies these values is about:


  • People enjoying moving, expressing themselves creatively, learning new skills, connecting to each other, their communities, cultures and where they live

  • An equal concern for people & art: providing high quality 2PK experiences, having a belief in participants that enables them to achieve high quality outcomes in which they can take pride and a real sense of achievement

  • Challenging aesthetic norms and broadening perceptions of who can move, what Parkour is, what 2PK is, what dance is, and what together they can become

  • Providing opportunities for practitioners, students and audiences to explore the art of movement and to have critical engagement with their own practice and the practice of others: asking artistic questions, facing obstacles, seeking solutions and reflecting on their experiences

  • Opportunities to gain new skills and insights

  • Placing people, their aspirations, rights and choices at its heart: recognising the individuality of every participant and working with each of them in ways that support the development of an individual’s movement ‘voice’

  • Creating a ‘safe’ space where individuals can explore risk, fulfil their human and creative potential, feel positive about themselves and are respected and valued by others, enabling them to grow, develop, and build positive and active relationships within their wider communities.










For the full CODE OF CONDUCT, further teaching resources and more information on those companies & individuals who have subscribed to this code of conduct, please contact us directly at:

(c) 2013 2PK Network

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